The IT ecosystem has rapidly changed over the years, and it has changed the way business functions, especially in areas related to IT, data management, etc. The digitalization of resources has made businesses stronger, faster, and more efficient. One of the latest technologies that have boosted the growth is Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Computing, where data is more readily available as well as more secure.

Under our Cloud and Infrastructure Services, we provide reliable, efficient, and proven cloud and digital infrastructure services to our clients. We have a wide range of cloud solutions available based on individual client requirement to support new-age information technology.

Owtis provides reliable, efficient, and proven cloud and digital infrastructure services to clients. As a cloud user, you will be able to access and manage all your data from a single dashboard across the globe within a few seconds.
Our enterprise-level cloud solutions have high-class data security and durability in place, by adopting methods like compression, de-duplication, high-speed network, and data encryption, by using state-of-the-art technology and tools. As an organization, this will help you improve data management standards, hence better business continuity and cost-effectiveness. We will completely configure the cloud platform for you based on data requirements of your organization.

Migration to Cloud

Efficient cloud migration is very crucial and important for non-desruptive business operations, and we have performed hundreds of cloud migrations successfully.

  • Cloud readiness assessment
  • Execution of multi-cloud strategy
  • Transformation journey guidance
  • Data migration, with enhanced privacy, data security, and compliance.

Cloud Optimization

The story doesn’t end with cloud migration, for enhanced productivity the cloud infrastructure should be optimized to address your business needs, by proper fine-tuning.

  • Optimize cloud spend
  • Effective cloud environment governance
  • Adoption of best practices
  • Use of automation, and AI-enabled business analytics
  • Employee training

Cloud Security Solutions

We have provided cloud security services to organizations of varying scale and size, in order to protect their sensitive data and other digital assets.

  • Reducing risk exposure
  • Adoption of Standards, Regulations and Compliances
  • Vulnerability assessments and security checks
  • Access management and authentication process
  • Security-first approach
  • Security advisory consulting

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